FEAT (Fujio-Eiji Academic Terrain) Award

The FEAT award was established in the year 2017 when the NCRM NICHE event became an International Event conducted in Tokyo, Japan by M/s. GN Corporation Co Ltd., and the Edogawa Evolutionary Laboratory of Science under a licensing agreement with NCRM.

FCQ Elite Bright teams will be awarded the FEAT (Fujio-Eiji Academic Terrain) award which will cover

i. Registration fee waiver for the entire NCRM NICHE conference including banquet

ii. Assistance for airport to hotel transfers in Tokyo, Japan

FEAT Award Recipients of NCRM NICHE 2017


Joseph Maran Midhuna Immaculate
BSri Ramachandra University, India
Confirmed FCQ Registration Number: FCQ2017020


KandavelKumar Vandhana
Mepco Schelenk Engineering College, India
Confirmed FCQ Registration Number: FCQ2017024


Meilisa Meilsa & Vibriani Agnia
Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Indonesia
Confirmed FCQ Registration Number: FCQ2017016


Venantius Arul Prakash Stanley & Ramasamy Shakthi Kumaran
Aarupadai Veedu Medical College, India
Confirmed FCQ Registration Number: FCQ2017040


Rana Varshini & Surya Prakash Sanjana
M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, India
Confirmed FCQ Registration Number: FCQ2017003  


Ravikumar Subha & Ganesh Krishnaswami Sreenivas Sruthi
Rajalakshmi Engineering College, India
Confirmed FCQ Registration Number:FCQ2017028


Varsha Suresh & Venkataraman Lakshmanan
SRM University, India
Confirmed FCQ Registration Number: FCQ2017031